Hypnotherapy is a safe and reliable method of
treatment for a great many problems, including those of an emotional and
personal nature. It is non-addictive, and uses no drugs, has no harmful side
effects, and is suitable for just about everyone. It is a natural method of
helping people to use their inner resources to improve their physical,
emotional and mental well-being. It can help with anxiety, stress, phobias, panic attacks, exam nerves, sleep problems, weight reduction and much more.
You may have tried other therapies and treatments in the past to resolve a problem. Hypnotherapy may be a very different approach to those you are used to. It is an active process, not just something that is 'done to you'. You are involved. You have control. You are ultimately part of the solution.
experience of hypnotherapy can best be described as a pleasant state of relaxation.
You have probably experienced a hypnotic trance without even realising it. When
you are lying in bed and feel yourself drifting off to sleep - you know that
you are not asleep, yet you know that you are not fully awake either. The same
effect is often experienced as we start to awaken in the morning - that same
sensation of drifting; conscious that you are not asleep, but aware that you
are not fully awake. Nobody
can ever be hypnotised against their will. Hypnosis is an active process, it is not something that is done to you, but something that you participate in.
The number of sessions required depends on
the nature of the particular problem. The breaking of a smoking habit, may see results in a single session, whereas some lifelong
problems may require a series of sessions.The sessions will usually be tailored to
the needs of the client and the goals the client wants to achieve.
I hope this is helpful. Please share or comment
Margaret Cook M.Ed Dip Hypn MBACP
About the author: Margaret is a qualified counsellor and hypnotherapist and has been in private practice for 21 years
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