Do you want to have a better night's sleep? The following helpful hints may help you to sleep more comfortably. 1.Try not to eat too late in the evening preferably before 7pm is best. This gives your digestion system the opportunity to function properly. 2. If you are hungry later in the evening have a hot milky drink or eat a couple of plain biscuits or a slice of toast. Nothing too heavy, greasy or spicy so no kebabs or curries. 3 Watching the News (featuring bombings or stabbings) or reading scary novels or murder mystery books is filling your mind with unpleasant images and your mind has to process this information as you are trying to drift off to sleep. 4. Likewise a lot of people do Sudoko or crossword puzzles if they cannot get off to sleep, this is keeping your mind alert and not allowing you to relax. 5. Try not to work too late into the evening either by bringing work home from school/college or the office, or surfing the net. A lot of people turn off t...