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Every Relationship Needs Help Now and Then

No relationship is perfect and there are many things that can affect your home life such as separation, forming a new family, bereavement, or relocation; to name a few and this is where counselling can help. Whatever the difficulty you are experiencing; counselling can help you to come to terms with things and find a way through your difficulties. You are not alone in feeling that way especially if you need some extra support particularly during key life moments such as

·         Starting a new relationship
·         Getting married or entering a civil partnership
·         Having children
·         Coping with an affair or major conflict
·         Divorce or separation
·         Living as a step family
·         Marriage after retirement   

Life is full of twists and turns, and any change can sometimes feel overwhelming even if you are the one making it happen. As hard as we try, sometimes things can become too uncomfortable or painful to ignore. You don’t need to be in crisis to seek help and sometimes seeking help at the outset before things escalate is better.

How you will benefit
·         Improved well-being and self-confidence
·         A better understanding of yourself and your partner
·         Better communication and negation skills
·         Help with team work – particularly if you are getting used to parenthood
·         Better family relationships
·         Reassurance that you are not alone  

Sometimes life throws up things that can leave you feeling hopeless, cause you pain or simply knock your confidence. When it does it is important to remember to look after yourself. If it is important to you then it is important enough to seek counselling where you will be listened to and offered support without judgement.

Margaret Cook
Counsellor and Hypnotherapist 


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