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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Life today is causing more of us to suffer from stress and stress related illnesses. With busy schedules it is even harder to relax. Hypnotherapy can help you to achieve a deep state of relaxation so that you can refresh your mind and body and be better able to cope with the stress of daily life.  You may be seeking a safe alternative to anti-depressants or sleeping tablets through complementary therapies such as hypnotherapy, which not only relieves the symptoms but can also tackle the root cause of them. Hypnotherapy can help to break certain behaviour patterns such as nail-biting, blushing and over-eating. It can help to overcome job interview, exam or driving test nerves, phobias (flying, heights, spiders, water), and panic attacks. It can improve confidence and self-esteem, public speaking or sports performance. It can help with the physical symptoms of grief or separation by releasing pent up emotions and heals emotional wounds.  During an initial consultation ...

Is a Little Stress Good for You?

Without some sense of drive and a good dose of adrenaline, things just wouldn't get done and you probably wouldn't enjoy life so much. Bursts of adrenaline give us a buzz or feeling of excitement. But when you don't get a chance to unwind from stress the body goes into overdrive which is a drain on your body's vital systems.  When you are under stress you are especially prone to anxiety disorders and depression. If you don't have a confiding relationship, or if you are in a difficult marital situation, then stress is even more likely to get you down.  But how can something that doesn't even physically impinge on your body do you harm? The answer lies in the chemical changes in the body which are triggered by stress.  In the past stress has often been dismissed as irrelevant but now scientists are discovering that it can do very real damage. Some suggest it may even rot your brain, harming vital brain function and leaving you vulnerable to mental illness lik...