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Flying Phobia

A fear of flying is excessive worry or anxiety about air travel. Statistics show that it can affect one in ten of us although it could be higher as some of us experience it perhaps on occasions such as when we are tired or unwell.  The increased  anxiety and panic attacks are at the thought of flying and many avoid air travel as a result of this. For some the fear of flying comes from a fear of “internal loss of control” - a fear that they will lose control of their emotions during the flight and therefore embarrass themselves in front of family or fellow passengers. For others, the fear is associated with external factors such as  turbulence, bad weather or a fault with the aircraft. Others are  reasonably comfortable at the airport, but begin to experience symptoms just before boarding the plane or have difficulty that begins as soon as they reach the airport. Anticipatory anxiety (such as when booking a holiday) in which you start experiencing the fe...
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Every Relationship Needs Help Now and Then

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Ten Ways to Cope With Anxiety

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Body Dysmorphic Disorder (

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an under recognised chronic problem that is defined as an excessive preoccupation with an imagined or minor defect of a localised facial feature or body part, resulting in decreased social, academic and occupational functioning. Patients who have a body dysmorphic disorder are pre-occupied with an ideal body image and view themselves as ugly or misshapen. Body image is defined as a mental picture of the size, shape and form of our body. It also describes our feelings about these physical characteristics. Body image is divided into the following two components, how we perceive the appearance of our body and our attitude towards our body.   A significantly distorted perception of the body may lead to self- destructive behaviours aimed at improving the appearance of the body. People who have BDD are most often concerned with the following face or body imperfections:- ·          Wrinkles, scars, ac...

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy and it is the vital life energy which flows through all living things and which can be activated for the purpose of healing.  When used in healing, it acts holistically affecting the energies which comprise the human body. As human beings we are comprised of electro-magnetic ener gy, and every cell in the body is vibrating at different rates depending upon their biochemical make-up. The levels of this life force in our bodies has an impact on our inherent healing ability, as Ki (life energy) helps to nourish the structure, organs and systems of the body, supporting them in their vital functions and contributing to the healthy growth and renewal of cells. Our ability to absorb this life energy is not constant, and over time our body can become depleted. When this happens we become weaker and more susceptible to illness, the ageing process and even physical death. This life force (Ki) is what defines us  as living be...

Tips for Stopping Smoking

You may smoke for all sorts of reasons such as the enjoyment of smoking, for weight control, to act mature, to look and be cool, due to peer pressure or because you think you are addicted.  But did you know there are approximately 4,000 poisons in ONE cigarette and these are added during the growing, harvesting, processing of the cigarette and manufacturing of the paper. S moking is bad for your health especially your lungs, your heart and your immune system. The benefits of stopping smoking are:  Reduces breathlessness Sense of taste will improve Skin will look clearer Your breath, clothes and hair will smell better Reduces the risk of lung and heart disease Reduces the risk of cancer You are more likely to live longer  Save money Ten top tips to help you stop smoking 1.  Make a list of reasons to stop 2.  Identify when you crave cigarettes  3.  Make a plan to quit smoking 4.  Think positive 5.  Get some support (a bud...

The Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Life today is causing more of us to suffer from stress and stress related illnesses. With busy schedules it is even harder to relax. Hypnotherapy can help you to achieve a deep state of relaxation so that you can refresh your mind and body and be better able to cope with the stress of daily life.  You may be seeking a safe alternative to anti-depressants or sleeping tablets through complementary therapies such as hypnotherapy, which not only relieves the symptoms but can also tackle the root cause of them. Hypnotherapy can help to break certain behaviour patterns such as nail-biting, blushing and over-eating. It can help to overcome job interview, exam or driving test nerves, phobias (flying, heights, spiders, water), and panic attacks. It can improve confidence and self-esteem, public speaking or sports performance. It can help with the physical symptoms of grief or separation by releasing pent up emotions and heals emotional wounds.  During an initial consultation ...